Tel: 01334 839218
Mob: 0777 800 3933
Email: rosalind@craigiefarm.co.uk
Telephone (8.30am-5pm Mon to Fri): 01334 839 218
Mobile for the centre’s manager, Ron Maxwell: 0777 800 3933
Address (for directions and coordinates please see below):
The Scottish Clay Shooting Centre,
Craigie farm,
By St. Andrews,
KY16 0DR
Please watch out!
If you use the postcode in your satnav then you may get terribly lost. So lost, in fact, that you will end up near Tentsmuir beach, which, while beautiful, doesn’t offer expert tuition in clay shooting or any of the facilities that we have at the SCSC.
Please use the following coordinates in your satnav: 56.403609, -2.867421
From Leuchars
If you are coming from the centre of Leuchars please head towards Tentsmuir beach. You will leave the town on quite a small road and after a mile you will pass the Cast Farm on your left. Carry on and continue past the right-hand turning to Tentsmuir beach.
Do not take this (no matter how much your satnav would like you to) and instead carry on straight. Within a quarter of a mile you will have Rhynd Farm on your left.
Turn left immediately after the farm buildings finish. The SCSC is at the end of this farm track.
From St. Michaels
Take the B945 from St. Michaels, which will be signposted to Tayport. It will take you past Pinewood Country House (on your right) and you’ll then emerge from the woods.
Up ahead you’ll see a green warehouse – carry on past this and get ready to turn right when you see a small B road signposted to Craigie Farm and the SCSC. Take this and carry on past Craigie Farm. Beware… many people have ended up going too far here – it only takes 45 seconds from the St. Michael’s junction.
Within a mile of turning down this road you will have the Rhynd Farm on your right – the turn for the SCSC is just before the farm buildings start.
From Tayport
Leave the sunny seaside town on the B945 towards St. Michaels and Leuchars. After about a mile and a half you will pass Vicarsford Lodge – 500 metres after this there will be a left-hand turn signposted to the SCSC and Craigie Farm.
Take this and within a mile you will have the Rhynd Farm on your right – the turn for the SCSC is just before the farm buildings start.